The governing body of the International College of Management Sydney is the Board of Directors. Responsibilities of this Board are outlined in the institution’s Governance Charter, Quality Assurance Framework and Delegations of Authority. The Board of Directors sets the institution’s mission and strategic goals in addition to ensuring the institution continues to meet its legal, regulatory, financial and social obligations and responsibilities.
The Audit Risk and Compliance Committee has responsibility for oversight of the Institution’s risk management framework, compliance framework and internal audit function. It reports directly to the Board of Directors and meets at least three times a year. The Board of Directors and Academic Board retain their current respective responsibilities for risk management.
The Board of Directors delegates responsibility for the efficient management of the institution’s business to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO is supported by an Executive Management Group, consisting of senior managers, in the day-to-day management of operations and implementation of the Institution’s plans.
The Academic Board has responsibilities outlined in the Governance Charter, Quality Assurance Framework and Delegations of Authority. The Academic Board is the principal academic advisory body to the Board of Directors. The Academic Board is responsible for effective academic oversight of the quality of learning teaching and scholarly activities. The Academic Board establishes academic committees as required to advise the Academic Board on a variety of academic matters and to implement initiatives.
The Academic Board establishes a Learning and Teaching Committee to monitor and report on quality assurance processes for learning and teaching within the Institution to ensure that day-to-day academic operations meet the Higher Education Standards Framework. The Learning and Teaching Committee provide advice on policy and practice related to all aspects of teaching and learning.
The Academic Board establishes the Course and Subject Committee to manage the development and review of the Institution’s courses and subjects in accordance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (2021).
The Course and Subject Committee establishes a Board of Examiners to approve subject grades and make recommendations on progression and completion matters.
The Course Development and Advisory Sub-Committees are established as required by the Course and Subject Committee to provide industry and content specific advice and guidance in relation to the development and ongoing revision of the institution’s higher and vocational education courses.
An Appeals Committee is convened to hear formal appeals.
The Scholarly Practice Committee is a committee of the Academic Board. It advises on the management and support of scholarship at the Institution.